Welcome to CrossCurrents! Your comments are welcome at communications@uucwc.org.
In this issue:
Greater Good by Rev. Kim Wildszewski
Growing Lifelong UUs by Robin Pugh, DLRE
New Faces – and Voices – in the Choir by Caryl Tipton, Director, Music Ministry
Childhood Memories by Mary KcKillip, Chair, Racial Justice Initiative
Capital Campaign Progress Checklist
The Ubiquity of Faith in Action, by Mike Wilson, Chair, Council for Faith in Action
Financial Brief: 2017-2018 Summary by Joe Schenk, Chair, Finance Committee
Many Opportunities to Serve Our Community by Sandy Muccioli and MJ Hansen, Chairs, Nominating Committee
Help Wanted – Finance Committee Chair
Help Wanted – Treasurer
UUA’s Commission on Institutional Change
Airport and Train Transportation Service
Greater Good
Rev. Kim Wildszewski
On Sunday, November 4, Hannah and I invited the children and adults of UUCWC to consider a different form of gift giving this year. In an effort to realign the spirit of each of the winter holidays with our actions and the needs of the greater good, your staff is encouraging each member and friend to estimate how much you expect to spend on presents this year. Then, cut that amount in half.
We could stop here, right? That would be enough of a challenge. Maybe just looking at that initial total would be challenge enough! But we’re not asking you to save that latter half of unspent present money. Read more…
Growing Lifelong UUs
Robin Pugh, Director of Lifespan Religious Education
Full Circle: Fifteen Ways to Grow Lifelong UUs, written by well-known religious educator Katie Tweedie Erslev (Covey), is based on surveys and interviews with lifelong Unitarian Universalists. As part of our goal of being intentional about raising UU children, I thought I’d share the fifteen suggestions Katie made in her book. If you’d like to borrow the book, I can lend it to you. Read more…
Robin can be reached at dre@uucwc.org.

New Faces – and Voices – in the Choir!
Caryl Tipton, Director, Music Ministry
By now, you will have noticed that Crossing Chorale is filling up our “choir loft”. We’ve welcomed “old” friends back and some new friends have joined us. Read more…
If you’ve sung “Messiah” in the past and would like to sing with us on Christmas Eve, it’s not too late. Give me a call or send me an email and let me know. We’d love to have you join us!

Childhood Memories
Mary KcKillip, Chair, Racial Justice Initiative
My son (white, almost 12) and I both read The Hate U Give this month. The novel is written from the perspective of a black teenage girl dealing with the police shooting of a black male teenage friend. My son is a voracious reader of science fiction, but luckily he is also a kid who won’t turn down a good book, even if it is real-world storytelling. We both highly recommend this book — for teens and grownups alike. Read more…
Capital Campaign Progress Checklist
Parking Approval Received: Check
Parking Contractor Selected: Check
Parking Construction Scheduled: Check
Architect Selected: Check
Enthusiasm Level: Unchecked!

The Ubiquity of Faith in Action
Mike Wilson, Chair, Council for Faith in Action
I have been wondering how people think about faith and how they are practicing a faith they can ascribe to being as a Unitarian Universalist (UU). Having never joined an organized religion before being a UU, the idea of religious faith seems antithetical to me. However, looking at the eight principles that I use as a basis of understanding the notion of a UU faith, it doesn’t really seem that far from what is comfortable to me. They are essentially the values on which I have lived (or tried to live) my life. Read more…
Financial Brief: 2017-2018 Summary
by Joe Schenk, Chair, Finance Committee
The Finance Committee reviews progress to budget monthly and reviews the health and status of our accounts on a periodic basis with the Board. We are in a strong financial position! Read more…
Many Opportunities to Serve Our Community
Sandy Muccioli and MJ Hansen, Co-Chairs – Nominating Committee
Would you like to be more involved in congregational life at UUCWC? Whether you are new to UUCWC or have been here for decades, there are many opportunities for your unique talents to contribute to the health and vitality of our beloved community. Read more…
Help Wanted – FInance Committee Chair
Joe Schenk, Chair, Finance Committee
It has been an honor to serve UUCWC in the capacity of Finance Committee Chairperson. This year marks the fourth and final year of my tenure as is dictated in the church bylaws. And this is my second “tour of duty!” – the first time nearly 20 years ago. Read more…
Help Wanted – Treasurer
Lynne Quinto, Treasurer
This is my last year serving as our community’s Treasurer, so we’ll need to elect a new Treasurer in June for a term starting in July. The Treasurer is a member of the Board of Trustees and the Finance Committee. Read more…
UUA’s Commission on Institutional Change:
Statement: Religious professionals of color are traumatized by a ‘toxic triangle of systemic racism, conflict aversion, and idealism.’

Unitarian Universalist Church at Washington Crossing
268 Washington Crossing Pennington Road, Titusville NJ 08560
609-737-0515 | uucwc@uucwc.org | www.uucwc.org