Speaker: Rev. Susan Goodwin

The Gift of Simplicity

Simplicity is a gift. The New Year has come and gone, and with the turning of the calendar page comes an awareness that life is short. Time is short. What will you and I do with “this one precious life”? Do we pack our schedules … read more.

A Theology With Integrity

UUs respect and honor one anothers’ spiritual journeys. Such spiritual freedom is a gift. Many of us have wounds from previous faith traditions. Today we talk about healing from the past, embracing the present, and bringing our whole selves into community.

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January Theme: Integrity
We know … read more.

Home for the Holidays?

Our service on December 1 will afford us an opportunity to reflect on coming home. Where do you feel most at home? How do we extend that feeling of home to others in word and deed? AND ALSO, we will be hearing from Connie Mercer, … read more.

Choiceful Relationship

Revs. Kim and Sue co-lead this pre-Thanksgiving service on the spirituality of choiceful relationships. Our Choir is singing!

November Theme: Attention
Alice Walker famously wrote, “I think it pisses God off if you walk by the color purple in a field somewhere and don’t notice it.” … read more.

A Place at the Table

“I was hungry and you gave me food. I was thirsty and you gave me drink. I was a stranger and you welcomed me.” This is a verse from the Gospel of Matthew that summarizes much about any faith tradition. At its essence, the practice … read more.

Coming In From the Cold

Rev. Sue Goodwin

Individualism takes us only so far. In Zulu, there is a word “Ubuntu”. It is  translated as: I am because we are. Philosophically it implies a belief in a universal bond that connects all humanity. Our UU faith tradition reminds … read more.

Claiming Sanctuary

As this month’s theme, Sanctuary, unfolds, consider what the word means to you. A safe space? Arms wide open? Something akin to a sacred area for devotion? Please ponder the notion of Sanctuary and we’ll talk….on October 7th.


No audio available; cd of the service may … read more.

The Road Less Traveled

As September unfolds, and our theme “Vision” comes into focus, please join us for a worship experience which invites us to consider how we might live into the fullness of “the good life.”

September Theme: Vision
Knowing when to stay true to your vision and when … read more.

Beginning at the Beginning

Our study of Genesis has led us to rethink how we read the Hebrew Bible. It’s created a desire to ponder ethics and dysfunction in family life. It seems “the more things change, the more they stay the same”.