The Power of Persistence and Perseverance

by Susan Irgang, Congregational Administrator

Don’t ever think that one person can’t make a difference. Our Racial Justice Ministry (RJM) noted that Ewing Township had not passed a resolution endorsing the enactment of the New Jersey Reparations Task Force Act. On behalf of RJM, Ewing resident … read more.

Reparations – Moving Toward Saying the Word

by Regina Podhorin Zilinski

The Racial Justice Ministry (RJM) and Adult Faith Engagement will jointly present a three session training and deep discussion forum on reparations starting in late February and ending in April. The issue of reparations was chosen as a strategic issue area by … read more.

Racial Justice Ministry Considers Reparations

by Regina Podhorin Zilinski

The Racial Justice Ministry (RJM) recently hosted a speaker from the Unitarian Universalist Faith Action New Jersey (UUFANJ) Reparations Task Force to update us on their activities and plans to move forward the conversation about reparations in New Jersey. As a result … read more.

Ranked Choice Voting and the 8th Principle

by Geri Koblis, for the Racial Justice Ministry

If you have ever taken an online quiz or survey which presents multiple choice answers and asks you to fill in a number to indicate your most important choice to your least, you have done Ranked Choice Voting … read more.

Racial Justice Ministry Forum 1/11/22

Save the Date!

Racial Justice Ministry (RJM) Discussion Forum – January 11, 2022 7pm 

Join the meeting on January 11th at 7pm here.

RJM is offering an online discussion of two resources RJM members recently found helpful in our antiracism journey. Join us to discuss these … read more.

Policies on When We Call the Police Under Review

by Michelle Hunt, Right Relations Committee

In June of 2018, our congregation approved the 8th UU Principle:

“We, the member congregations of the Unitarian Universalist Association, covenant to affirm and promote: journeying toward spiritual wholeness by working to build a diverse multicultural Beloved Community by our actions … read more.