Looking for a Way to Contribute Your Time?

by Nathalie Edmond, Co-chair, Congregational Engagement

Congregational Engagement is excited to tell you about a resource we’ve created that can be accessed online and in the church lobby. If you are looking for ways to engage more in church activities, but don’t know what is available … read more.

Supporting Our Congregants and Our Mission

by Pam Shadzik, Co-chair, Congregational Engagement

Congregational Engagement (CE) has continued the work of reimagining ways that our congregants can be involved in UUCWC in ways that nourish them and support our mission.

To that end, we sponsored a gathering in September where we partnered with Racial … read more.

Congregational Engagement Fall Planning Update

Hope you are having a nourishing summer.

Congregational Engagement invites you to save the date for Saturday, September 24th from 11 am to 2 pm. We are planning a multiplatform gathering to begin the church year. Some topics on our agenda: yummy potluck and casual … read more.

Nourishment Through Congregational Engagement

by Nathalie Edmond, Co-chair, Congregational Engagement

As we move into spring, we start to plan for the new church year that starts on July 1. Some people may be transitioning out of leadership roles, emerging from pandemic hibernation, and/or wanting to make new connections. Congregational Engagement … read more.

Introducing Congregational Engagement

By Sandy Muccioli, Leadership Development Task Force

By the time you read this you will have learned about the new way we are inviting our members and friends into service for our beloved UUCWC community. Doing Church is much more than attending worship on Sundays. As … read more.

What You’ve Been Missing

by Sandy Muccioli, Chair, Nominating/Leadership Task Force

Several weeks ago, the Board-appointed Nominating/Leadership Task Force started hosting weekly zoom meetings after Sunday worship services to bring awareness to the volunteer/service opportunities at UUCWC. These are not breakout rooms, but a separate zoom meeting with the link … read more.

Getting to Know You in a New Way

It is so sad that everything we read these days begins the word “coronavirus.” This article is no different. The pandemic has changed our UUCWC world in many ways, but we have to carry on and prepare for when we are able to be together … read more.

Dispelling Nominating Myths

by Sandy Muccioli, Chair, Nominating Committee

Do you want to run in the opposite direction when you hear about the Nominating Committee? You aren’t alone. When UUCWC had fewer members, it seemed the same people were targeted to join or chair committees just to be stuck … read more.