Garden of “Weeden” Is Lush and Fragrant!

by Barbara Drew, Co-chair, Earth and Climate Ministry

About five years ago we wanted to save a few special perennials from the garden area now making way for our exciting addition and new entrance! We transplanted the purple and yellow iris plants and a few others … read more.

The Hidden Savings Above Us!

by Mark Pokryska and Barbara Drew, for the Earth and Climate Ministry

We have a solar system! No, we do not mean the planets, moon, and stars. Our building’s solar system is much closer – just a few feet above us as we move about the … read more.

Celebrate Earth Day, Week & Month!

Celebrate Earth Day, Week and Month with these ideas from Earth & Climate Ministry ( E&CM):

–  April 13th 9:00 am – Participate with UUCWC families in the Hopewell Clean Sweep litter pickup

–  April 16th  7:00 pm  – Attend a multiplatform  presentation at UUCWC  – Climate Change and What You … read more.

Allie’s Garden Thrived in 2023

by Al Johnson, Co-chair, Earth and Climate Ministry

Allie’s Organic Garden is tended by UUCWC’s Earth and Climate Ministry to provide vegetables for local food aid programs. We harvested in December with the help of the children from the Children and Youth Family Ministry, who braved … read more.

Energy Innovation Act: Learn More/Act Now

The Earth and Climate Ministry invites you to learn more about the federal Energy Innovation Act which was just reintroduced in the House (HR 5744).   This bill is considered by Citizens Climate Lobby (CCL) to be the most significant tool to reduce our carbon … read more.

How Does Our Garden Grow?

by Al Johnson, Co-chair, Earth and Climate Ministry

Allie’s Garden has been fully planted, thanks in part to help from our Children’s Faith Engagement participants. Our crops of carrots, sweet potatoes and butternut squash are off to a good start. Volunteers to water the garden are … read more.

Composting at UUCWC

by The Earth Ministry Team

Next to the fence surrounding Allie’s Garden, we have a large compost bin that provides wonderfully nutrient rich, dark, decomposed organic matter that, when added to the soil, makes it better. The dark, humus-like end product starts with vegetable and fruit … read more.

More Terracycle Bins for Waste Recycling!

UUCWCers really like their coffee…your recycling efforts filled the bin for Coffee Capsules in just a few months! Never fear, another bin will accept your capsules (no loose coffee grounds).  We continue to have bins for Candy/Snack Wrappers, Oral Care, and have 2 new bins for Misc. Waste and Dinner/Party items. … read more.

Special Recycling Collection

Save your used toothpaste tubes, dental floss containers, snack & candy wrappers, and coffee capsules/pods or tea disks for an on-going collection! There are 3 separate bins for oral care, coffee and snack items, usually non-recyclable, located opposite the offices by the stairway. Collection lasts … read more.