Author: Robin Pugh

Not the Usual Ask

by Robin Pugh, Director of Congregational Life

UUCWC has a history of stepping up to the plate when needed. It is a history we are proud of. We are a busy congregation, yet we always respond when we are needed.

You are needed now. The help I’m … read more.

Our Principles and Purposes Are a Living Tradition

by Robin Pugh, Director of Lifespan Faith Engagement

Did you know that our denomination is currently reviewing the by-laws that contain the UU principles?

When the Universalist Church of America and the American Unitarian Association merged in 1961 to form the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA), the merged … read more.

New Opportunities for Children and Youth

This month we begin two opportunities for children and youth.  The first is virtual Family Chapel, a space on Sunday mornings where our UUCWC families from around the country can join together: to light a chalice, sing “Spirit of life”, learn together by story and song, share … read more.

Path to Membership: Another Viewpoint

This year, UUCWC instituted a new membership class called “Pathways.”  Unlike the previous classes, “Roots” and “Wings,” Rev. Kim revised the required membership class to be more interactive (not a lecture) and to focus on what it means to be a Unitarian Universalist today. We … read more.