Change the World This Month at UUCWC
Each month, UUCWC celebrates a theme with opportunities for you to deepen your connection within, among and beyond our community.
Please read more about these important events:
9/8 Water Ceremony/Ingathering and Food Drive Collection: This Sunday, don’t forget to bring a small container of water from places that hold meaning for you, or water that symbolizes where you’re coming from or hoping to go this year for our Water Ceremony. Our Food Ministry is also collecting for a food drive benefiting Fisherman’s Mark: sign up to bring a donation for their specific needs on Sunday: see the list here. Stay for coffee and bagels after the service too!
September’s theme is the Practice of Invitation. Here are some invitations to become a part of something larger this month:
If you are seeking ways in and beyond our walls to Change the World:
- Reparations Council Session #6- Democracy Committee presentation and open comments. View live September 6th at or join Racial Justice Ministry on Zoom Thursday September 26th at 7:00pm for a curated review of presentations and open group discussion of implications. Zoom link will be in weekly email and on this page a few days before. See event flyer and speakers here
- Food Drive benefiting Fisherman’s Mark Food Pantry, Lambertville, on Sunday, September 8th sponsored by our Food Ministry. Specific items the pantry needed; sign up here to let the Food Ministry know what you are able to donate. Please make sure that all items have a future expiration or “best by” date; no expired products accepted. Monetary donations by check payable to Fisherman’s Mark Food Pantry may also be made and brought to church on 9/8.
- UU the Vote Phonebank: Each Tuesday until the election: on September 17th, UUCWC will be hosting a UU the Vote national phone bank in the Sanctuary from 7-9pm to offer community with each other while we make calls with the national organizers. The phonebank begins with a check in and training. Ministerial intern Lisa will be on site at UUCWC to offer support and answer questions as well. To register for UUCWC’s phone bank or to get more information about UUCWC’s voter engagement efforts, please email Lisa at
- Save the date Racial Justice Book Discussion, Thursday, September 19 from 7-9 pm both in-person and virtually. Join Marianne Alt, Regina Podhorin Zelinski and Pam Shadzik in another thought-provoking book discussion: Race Rules: What Your Black Friend Won’t Tell You, by Fatimah Gilliam. Please RSVP to Robin Pugh at
- Climate Justice Advocacy Hour, September 29: UUCWC will join hundreds of other UU churches across the nation by conducting elements of its Climate Justice Revival. After the related worship service, we will have an Advocacy Hour including postcarding to Get Out the Vote, and climate/environmental advocacy actions. Please consider this opportunity!
**Check your Weekly Announcements for the link information or contact the office at
Click here for the full listing of all opportunities to Celebrate Life, Create Community and Change the World.