Although the church building is closed due to severe risk of COVID in our area, we are still doing church, continuing to seek to Create Community, Celebrate Life, Change the World. The full gathering guidelines as of 1-26-22 are here.
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In this issue:
New Learning Opportunities Starting Soon, by Robin Pugh, Director of Lifespan Faith Engagement
Welcome Back, Erin Busch!, by Caryl Tipton, Director of Music Ministry
Board of Trustees Mid-Year Review, by Jim Sanders, Trustee, UUCWC Board of Trustees
Our Candle for Racial Justice, by Lauren Shallish, Co-chair, Worship Associates
Capital Campaign Update – January 2022, by Jayme Trott, Co-chair, Capital Campaign
UUCWC’s Annual Spring Auction 2022: Sing into Spring, by Barbara Drew, Co-chair, Auction Committee
Allie’s Garden in the Second Year of Covid, by Al Johnson, Co-chair, Earth Ministry
First Multi-platform General Assembly Coming Soon!, by Holly Bussey, Liaison, Denominational Affairs
Help UUCWC With Smile!, by Wendy Stasolla, Chair, Fundraising

New Learning Opportunities Starting Soon
Robin Pugh, Director of Lifespan Faith Engagement
UUCWC is pleased to offer new learning opportunities for the next few winter months.
In addition to Chalice Circles, Coming Into Connection, and a new Pathways class to be facilitated by Rev. Kim in February, there is another opportunity to participate in antiracism work through Beloved Conversations: Meditations on Race and Ethnicity. This will be offered in late March, through the Fahs Collaborative. Registration closes Feb. 22nd.
I’d like to draw your attention to two new programs. The first is a NEW “Wellspring for the Future of Unitarian Universalism” that will be offered on the second and fourth Tuesdays starting in early February, and running through May. Prompted by the Unitarian Universalist Association’s current review of Article II of the bylaws, (home of the UU Principles and Purposes), the Article II Study Commission partnered with UU Wellspring to create an 8-session program for small groups to explore Article II. There is pre-work for each two-hour session that will inform, inspire, and challenge you to think deeply about the Principles & Sources, Purpose of the UUA, the Inclusion Clause and Freedom of Belief Statement. One of the issues under discussion in the Article II review is amending the Principles to add an 8th Principle (addressing racism). (UUCWC adopted the 8th Principle in 2018.)
The other program we are especially excited about is one devoted to the spirituality of children. In “Tending the Flame: Spirituality and Children,” starting on Monday, January 31st, Rev. Kim and I will explore children’s spirituality and how caring adults can nurture it if they recognize the characteristics and features that make up their spirituality.
For more information about and registration for these new classes and all the others, continue reading here.
Welcome Back, Erin Busch!
Caryl Tipton, Director of Music Ministry
Although most of you know our “new” Accompanist, Erin Busch, I realized some of you may not. Erin is a composer and cellist residing in Philadelphia, where she is currently pursuing a Ph.D in composition at the University of Pennsylvania. She served as our Accompanist for about four years while she was studying composition and cello, and teaching, at Temple. During this time, she also developed concerts with different musical groups at UUCWC. She is the daughter of Sue and Bob Busch and grew up attending UUCWC.
Erin is the founder and Artistic Director of the Young Women Composers Camp, a two-week music composition festival for students who identify as female or nonbinary. She has been commissioned by and performed with the Albany (NY) Symphony, the Philadelphia Orchestra String Quartet, the TAK Ensemble, the Philadelphia Charter – A String Theory School, Matthew Levy of the PRISM Quartet, and Network for New Music. Recent projects include a string quartet commission from cellist Yumi Kendall of the Philadelphia Orchestra, a new work for the 2021 Composers Conference as a Fromm Foundation Composer Fellow, and a percussion quartet for Sō Percussion. She maintains a freelance career as a cellist, and performs with local ensembles such as the Arcana New Music Ensemble and the Philly Pops.
I am thrilled to be able to work with Erin again, making music with the choir and providing music for Sunday services, for the next six months until my retirement. I know you’ll join me in welcoming Erin back!
Board of Trustees Mid-Year Review
Jim Sanders, Trustee, UUCWC Board of Trustees
Before a person needs medical attention or has another issue where self-reliance is not the healthy course of action, experts say that you should identify someone to reach out to, from a primary physician to a trusted family member, etc. This pandemic era, in which we live, reminds me repeatedly, that THIS community IS that lifeline that so many of us reach out to in times of need – and we are also the caregivers when others need us. Now, hold that thought for a moment.
I am in my third year serving on the Board of Trustees – serving half my first two-year term in the “pre times” and my second two-year term in the current times, however history wishes to label it.
I had served on the Board in the 1990’s, another era of great transition for our congregation, a new building, and ministerial transitions amidst a large growth spurt. So, today is not SO different. We continue to grow in numbers, staffing and programming in parallel with creating a new multi-platform church – a modified church without walls – a once in a lifetime and exciting change for all of us. A change expedited by pandemic.
Read more…
Our Candle for Racial Justice
Lauren Shallish, Co-chair, Worship Associates
The lighting of the candles of fellowship — and their accompanying words— can be found at the outset of every service alongside our land acknowledgement. The candles are a familiar refrain read aloud by the worship associates as we name the congregation’s shared commitments and ideals.
The candles are also an invitation: A reminder to rededicate ourselves to the work of creating a world that is caring and rooted in justice. They represent the sacred practice of acting in ways that center communities, experiences, and histories that are marginalized, targeted, or rendered invisible in harmful or colonizing practices of faith or spirituality.
Our five candles attend to peace, race/racism, gender/sexuality, disability, and environmental justice. In this on-going crisis climate in which we all find ourselves, a group of worship associates revisited the existing text on racial justice in collaboration with congregants, the racial justice ministry, Rev. Kim, sacred texts, and others.
The candle for racial justice now reads:
“We work to build a race-conscious and multicultural community through our actions to dismantle racism and other intersecting oppressions in ourselves and our institutions. We commit to the work of anti-racism and collective liberation.”
These changes represent our intention to not only acknowledge but act. Read more…
Capital Campaign Update – January 2022
Jayme Trott, Co-chair, Capital Campaign
Status: Architectural drawings are under review by engineers (structural, mechanical, electrical, plumbing) at this time. This review was delayed by several weeks due to COVID. Key updates to the plans include kitchen upgrades, an enclosed lift-type elevator, and an increase in the height of the second floor roof to accommodate HVAC upgrades.
The Steering Committee is working with Mary Lou Dahms and Susan Irgang to update the website to include the latest plans and schematics. We hope to complete the update by end of February.
Timeline: We anticipate returning the final plans to the contractors for bids by end of February and hope to have a contractor selected by mid-March. Permitting should be completed by end of April, and ground-breaking likely in May 2022. The sanctuary will be accessible throughout construction…if COVID ever allows us back in there!! Read more…
UUCWC’s Annual Spring Auction 2022: Sing into Spring
Barbara Drew, Co-chair, Auction Committee
Let’s sing our way into spring with our popular Spring Auction, UUCWC’s biggest fundraiser of the year, with items and price points for everyone. Your participation helps to make it successful, whether you donate items, purchase them, or both. Proceeds account for close to 10% of our operational budget and, best of all, half of the Auction proceeds over the budgeted amount will be donated to a social justice organization selected by UUCWC’s Council for Faith in Action.
With gatherings still limited due to the pandemic, Auction 2022, “Sing into Spring,” is being planned as an online virtual event, which will be open for bidding Saturday, April 30, through Saturday, May 7. At this time, we don’t know if we will be able to include any kind of in-person event. Auction items will be sure to include many opportunities to get to know one another, enjoy food, fun and fellowship in a variety of settings. Read more…
Allie’s Garden in the Second Year of Covid
Al Johnson, Co-chair, Earth Ministry
Despite the HomeFront and Food Ministry programs still unable to use our produce, Allie’s Garden went full steam ahead growing fresh vegetables for the needy in our area. Our criteria for crop choice were: those that were relatively easy to grow, usable by soup kitchens, and harvestable in one day.
Butternut squash and carrots again were included, and this year we grew our first crop ever of sweet potatoes. It was a great help to have Susan and Rachel working in the office one day a week. They were called often to turn on the sprinkler. We appreciated their time and also that of Earth Ministry volunteers who watered when needed on weekends. Read more…
Important Message on Regathering:
When the church reopens for multiplatform services and weekday building use (when COVID Act Now levels are at Very High or below by the Monday before a service), our mask requirement will be upgraded to require a KN95 or N95 mask (no cloth or surgical masks) following CDC recommendations during the Omicron variant surge. A limited supply will be available at the church; we encourage you to bring your own. Full information about regathering guidelines can be found here.
Save the date:
On Tuesday, February 8th, 7:00 pm, the Racial Justice Ministry will be hosting a Zoom discussion forum to close out the 21-day racial equity habit building challenge and to gather input on draft member/leader expectations at UUCWC proposed by RJM. More information and Zoom link available here.
First Multi-platform General Assembly Coming Soon!
Holly Bussey, Liaison
Denominational Affairs
General Assembly (GA) 2022 will be a multi-platform event this year, held both in person and virtually, from June 22 – 26. If you are looking to travel somewhere wonderful and learn more about Unitarian Universalism, consider attending GA in person, in PORTLAND, Oregon. Or, if you prefer, attend virtually! It’s a wonderful experience either way. UUCWC has a long tradition of high participation at GA.
Early registration for in-person attendance in Portland has begun! Registration for virtual participation will open on March 1st. Financial support for attendance and a payment plan, are available. Read more…
Help UUCWC With Smile!
Wendy Stasolla, Chair, Fundraising
Now with EVERY Amazon purchase you can help UUCWC. It’s a great way to give back.
Using Amazon Smile to do your online shopping is a charitable method in which Amazon returns a small portion of what you spend to a charity registered with Amazon through its Amazon Smile website.
Sign in with the same account you use for
Select your charity (Unitarian Universalist Church at Washington Crossing). Start shopping! Remember to checkout at to generate donations for your chosen charity.
Tip: Add a bookmark to make it easier to shop at


Harvesting carrots from Allie’s Garden this past fall was a labor of love for Earth Ministry’s Penny Rodgers, Jessie Webb and Janet Hubbard.

Read about the UUA’s Justice Work under the banner “Side With Love,” here.
Read UU World, the magazine of the Unitarian Universalist Association.
Connect with UU Faith Action, New Jersey’s issues and social justice advocacy voice, and with Pennsylvania’s counterpart, UUJusticePA.

Unitarian Universalist Church at Washington Crossing
268 Washington Crossing Pennington Road, Titusville NJ 08560
609-737-0515 | |