Board of Trustees Mid-Year Review

by Jim Sanders, Trustee, UUCWC Board of Trustees

Before a person needs medical attention or has another issue where self-reliance is not the healthy course of action, experts say that you should identify someone to reach out to, from a primary physician to a trusted family member, etc. This pandemic era, in which we live, reminds me repeatedly, that THIS community IS that lifeline that so many of us reach out to in times of need – and we are also the caregivers when others need us. Now, hold that thought for a moment.

I am in my third year serving on the Board of Trustees – serving half my first two-year term in the “pre times” and my second two-year term in the current times, however history wishes to label it.

I had served on the Board in the 1990’s, another era of great transition for our congregation, a new building, and ministerial transitions amidst a large growth spurt. So, today is not SO different. We continue to grow in numbers, staffing and programming in parallel with creating a new multi-platform church – a modified church without walls – a once in a lifetime and exciting change for all of us. A change expedited by a pandemic.

One thing has not changed; we are still here for each other – for those who have been here for decades, and for those yet to walk through our doors (physically and metaphorically speaking). We need each other, more than ever, and we cannot ever take that for granted.

Your Board has been working tirelessly throughout this pandemic time – protecting that life-line – and having to write some “rules of the game” as we go along. Here is what we have been working on, in January 2022 alone:

• Working with our Stewardship Team to create and communicate this year’s message around your generous support for this year in the re-imagined multi-platform church and expanded staffing needs.
• Working with Staff and Personnel to hire our new part-time Controller (after two years of careful study).
• Initial work with Staff and Personnel to create a “good” good-bye as Caryl Tipton finishes her 30-year tenure with us and we start the process for the future of our Music Ministry for next year.
• Review and manage the moving target that is the Re-Opening of the Church to Sunday services – while celebrating the successful return that we experienced so fleetingly in December.

Each board brings its own unique personality and dynamic to its work, and you can be proud that this Board is wholly engaged in the sacred work that you have entrusted us. I am humbled by all the leadership and support that this congregation has given to me over the last 30+ years and whether you have been here that long or in the near past – we all have something to offer to be there for each other.

Consider how you can be that lifeline for the newcomer.

If you are interested in knowing more about the work of the board, you are welcome to attend any or all monthly Board of Trustees meetings. Our meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month from 7pm to 9pm, via Zoom. You can email the board in advance at to request the Zoom link. Church members and friends who are not board members will be muted during meetings with the exception of attendees who have been invited in advance to share updates on their committee or ministry activities.

In faith and service,