More Q&A On an Assistant Minister
Rev. Kim Wildszewski
Since February’s start to our Stewardship Campaign, in which I preached on our need to bring on an Assistant Minister, there have been many conversations. Some have been affirming and encouraging, others have brought to light new concerns or questions. As we near a decision on whether we can financially sustain a second minister and who that might be, I hope to address some of the questions and concerns I’ve heard informally and at the five Listening Circles offered. Read more…
Since publishing the below article, we received word from the Ministerial Fellowship Committee that our Ministerial Resident, Hannah Gallo, will not be able to serve as our Assistant Minister. Rev. Kim and the Personnel Committee continue to consider next steps and our financial capabilities. Updates will be shared with the congregation as they are available.
Children’s and Adult RE
Robin Pugh, Director of Lifespan Religious Education
Have you considered being a teacher in our Children’s Religious Education program? Have an idea for an Adult Learning class? Contact Robin at dre@uucwc.org.

Music and Cultural Mis/Appropriation
Caryl Tipton, Director, Music Ministry
For the past two months, I’ve shared one musician’s perspective on cultural appropriation. As promised, this month I’m sharing my own thoughts. As I continue to “lean into” this complicated issue, I welcome your thoughts and feelings with love and care. Tell me about music that speaks to you, or causes you pain, so that the choir or individual musicians might offer music in a service with more mindfulness. The most important thing is to continue the dialog and to listen to everyone at UUCWC with compassion and an open heart. Read More…
From your Board of Trustees
Bylaws Task Force Update
by Nathalie Edmond, Vice President
When I joined the Board two years ago I never thought I would be on the Bylaws Task Force, let alone excited about attending the meetings. After spending this year with some amazing people (Marty Friedman, Regina Podhorin-Zilinski, Mike Hanson, Bernice Husk, and Colleen McCourt) on the task force these are some of my lessons learned. Read more…
There will be one more Bylaws Listening Circle on Monday, April 29, 7pm.
Capital Campaign/Project Update
Jayme Trott, Co-Chair
In March the Steering Committee met with church staff and Food Ministry representatives to get their input on the use of space as presented in the preliminary architectural drawings provided by our architect, David B. Singer. Van Note Harvey was hired as our civil engineering firm, and they are initiating work on a ground survey. Read more…
Conversation on Cultural Appropriation
Mary McKillip, Chair, Racial Justice Initiative Steering Committee
Join the Racial Justice Initiative Steering Committee in the sanctuary on Tuesday, April 23 at 7pm. We will update you on our committee’s work to date and engage in conversation about cultural appropriation. We ask that you read Reckless Borrowing or Appropriate Cultural Sharing before the meeting. Printed copies will be available on the RJI bulletin board. Email racialjustice@uucwc.org with questions and to let us know if you need childcare to attend.
UUCWC Service Awards
Nominations Due April 22
The Board invites you to think about individuals in the congregation you would like to honor at the annual meeting. Nominate someone who exemplifies service and/or has significantly contributed to our community. Details here…
Help Wanted: Nominating Committee
Serving on the Nominating Committee is rewarding because we get to work with the amazing leadership of UUCWC, as well as Rev. Kim and our church community. There are immediate openings on the Nominating Committee and for 2019 -2020. Read more…
2019 UUCWC Spring Auction — What’s New, Tips and Important Dates
The UUCWC Spring Auction, is right around the corner! Silent Auction Sundays take place April 14 and 28, followed by the exciting Live Auction on Saturday, May 4.
Read more on what’s new for 2019, tips, and important dates…

UUA General Assembly
June 19 – 23 in Spokane, WA
Contact da@uucwc.org for details or if you are interested in attending.

Unitarian Universalist Church at Washington Crossing
268 Washington Crossing Pennington Road, Titusville NJ 08560
609-737-0515 | uucwc@uucwc.org | www.uucwc.org