Why I Am Inspired to Lead

Recently in a board meeting we were discussing why people choose to serve in various leadership roles at UUCWC. I thought I would share their remarks as some of you consider stepping in and out of leadership roles.

  • Be part of good things happening.
  • Care about the people here and care about UU and want to make it accessible in an easier way. I think good leadership and systems help with that.
  • I was told that giving a different perspective as a newer member would be valuable.
  • Grounds me and refocuses me on what is important and that inspires me.
  • Church gives me a lot so I want to give back. I have served on a lot of committees and noticed I needed to step up if I wanted to see some changes happen.
  • Creating systems to make it easier for people to be here which can help people have space to fulfill their ideas.
  • My personality drives me to be involved. It is hard for me to sit on the sidelines of activity for very long.
  • Ever since I took my first volunteer leadership position, I used the skills that I practice here, to build upon my career, which has had a positive effect on my work life, and I want to share that spark with current and future leaders.
  • My home life and church life are so intertwined, that working with my intentional church family is akin to “doing” for my blood family. I get a rush when I see how the work we do has impacted multiple generations who have grown up in this community.
  • This place was here when my family needed it. I think whatever you do you are standing on the shoulders of the people who came before you and leaving something for those who come after you.
  • I like sharing my gifts and passion with my church community in a spiritual way. It feels like an offering. It feels sacred, an act of love, to help prepare our community for the future and help build a Beloved Community.
  • I appreciate how serving in leadership roles helps me challenge myself outside of my comfort zone which helps me grow and creates deeper connections within the community.
  • Each time I share my energies and talents, I am thrilled by how new leaders come with fresh new ideas and ways of doing things for the betterment of the community.

I hope many of you are nourished by your leadership positions and/or are inspired to serve in a different way. Come to an upcoming Board chat (March 15 during middle hour) to discuss leadership possibilities that might fit your interests and talents. Thank you for all that you do to make UUCWC such a vibrant and welcoming community.