Topic: Possibility

The Hidden Powers and Possibilities of Age

Turning a new age always held new possibilities. Turning 16 I could drive, turning 18 I could buy a beer but also register for the draft on on it went. Getting older allows us to discover some of the hidden powers and possibilities of age.   Listen here:

Our Appetite for Violence

The Sunday of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s birth is heavy with expectations–what do we do with the expectations we place on ourselves and others to live into the legacy of MLK? What is the message we would receive today from the civil rights movement–has it changed at all? What is asked of us … Continue reading Our Appetite for Violence

180 Degrees

What would it mean to live into someone else’s answers to the big religious questions of our time? Would our beliefs change? Would they secure? We gather this Sunday to consider the malleability of our beliefs – and the possibility therein.   Listen here:

The Chair

As we begin this month of considering the spirituality of Possibility, we turn to a modern parable of all that is possible with a little patience and perseverance.   Listen here: