Stewardship and Capital Campaign – A Personal Note

During the February 9th Stewardship and Capital Campaign Kick-off Sunday Service, Laura Wall spoke words that resonated strongly for me. Laura said “I’ve spent my career running non-profit organizations and am currently the Executive Director of CASA for Children, here in Mercer County. For all the work that I do in the community, and for all the support that I provide to organizations that I care about, my largest gift by far is to UUCWC. That is because I receive so much from this place – it nourishes and supports me – but it’s also because I view this church as vitally important.”

I feel much the same way about UUCWC. It is my community, my intentional family. When our 13-year-old granddaughter came to live with us, and I invited anyone who would like to see her perform in “Girlspeak” to join us in Lambertville, over 20 people showed up!! When she was hospitalized over her 14th birthday, the youth group made birthday cards for her. When people are ill and need help getting to Philadelphia to receive chemotherapy, members of this church provide rides and company. When Lori Rahn broke both of her ankles, people brought food, ran errands and helped with whatever she needed.

These are very personal examples of how this church community demonstrates love and compassion. But in so many other ways, UUCWC supports the larger community through social justice efforts- from Monday night meals and tutoring for HomeFront, to organizing buses to march in Washington against injustice, to organizing letter-writing campaigns for fair voting… the list goes on and on. As Laura said, “We live in a very divisive time – and what this church represents – what Unitarian Universalism represents – is respect for alternative voices, respect for other faiths, and the worth and dignity of every person. What UUs provide is absolutely critical now.”

Personally, I direct my charitable donations to support several organizations – from Planned Parenthood and Doctors without Borders to the universities where I studied and foundations that promote science, environmental preservation, human rights, and anti-poverty efforts. But Bud and I agree that our largest gift by far goes to UUCWC. We believe the efforts of this church can make real change in the world. And we rely on the choir, ROMEOS, auction events, potlucks, concerts, and other ways of being in community to sustain us personally. We hope you will join us and support both the Stewardship and Capital Campaigns to the extent that you are able.

Jayme Trott, Co-Chair, Capital Campaign