With almost 299 members, 110 Children, 100 visitors we are serving a community of close to 500! So, you’re not alone in trying to wrap your head around what’s going on and how things get done here at UUCWC. We’re growing and our systems need to grow too.

Congregational Life (Membership Team) tries to help you make initial connections. We’re trying something new. For the next few months, we will be having an “ASK ME” table on some Sundays.
What is an Ask Me Table? Just that! Ask the person there a question about UUCWC (or even UUism in general) and we’ll try to point you in the right direction or help you make a connection. We may not be perfect, but we’ll try and we’ll all learn together.
The ASK ME “booth” will make its debut at the January 26 service (middle hour and after the second service) in the foyer. We will be posting a schedule for monthly appearances soon.
Look for the sign in the lobby and …ask ME
Holly Bussey, Membership Team of Congregational Life Council