General Assembly News

by Holly Bussey, Liaison, Denominational Affairs

In June, six of us will be representing UUCWC at General Assembly (GA). Five of us will travel to Pittsburgh; one will be a virtual delegate. What does this mean? Delegates are charged to vote on issues that impact us all. Delegates vote their conscience with the hope it reflects UUCWC’s values and vision. (Please see the companion article about ARTICLE II).

Several items are coming up for discussion that will impact UUCWC.  Please learn about these issues and provide us feedback. Now is the time to let us know your thoughts on things. Exercise your democratic rights as a UU within our faith!

Delegates have volunteered to represent YOU at GA. We also hope to bring back new and exciting information that we can incorporate into our community life. Being a delegate is a task of responsibility, care and wanting to do a good job. We’d love to hear from you.

Delegates, clockwise from top left, are Alison Streit Baron, Dan Tuft, Heather Edwards, Jennifer Ciccolini, Jim Sanders and Holly Bussey.

Director of Congregational Life Robin Pugh is also attending, and Klaus Zechner, Maria Baratta and Jane Root are participating as non-delegates.

You can reach us by email at We’d be happy to answer your questions.