8 Sacred Circles is a UUCWC spirit group which celebrates ancient “holy days” as determined by nature’s calendar — the solstices, equinoxes and four “cross-quarter” days which that the midpoint of the seasons. Each day has a special significance that provides a theme for our gathering. While a commitment to marking each of the eight days is not required, observing them all brings a chance to experience being in sync with the natural cycle of life throughout the year.
Our first gathering of 2017 will be on Friday, February 3, to commemorate Imbolc, which is the midpoint of the winter season. Doors open at 7:15 and the ritual starts at 7:30. There is a brief orientation for newcomers beforehand. Afterward, we share fellowship and those who are able are asked to bring a snack to share. For more information, please contact Mike or Heidi Dalzell or Penny Gardner at 8sacredcircles@uucwc.org.