UUCWC Responds to Ukraine Need Abundantly

In March, Rev. Kim worked with the Council for Faith In Action ‘s (CFA) Faith Funding and Expression Team (FEFT) to consider creating a special appeal for Ukraine. Over two months, there was an effort to request special contributions for Ukraine Relief separate from the normal plate and CFA funding.

Not surprisingly, UUCWC members responded with an outpouring of contributions. $3,000 was collected. These monies will go to front-line organizations via the UU Service Committee (UUSC). By pooling our resources with other UU congregations, the impact is greater and the UUSC makes sure the money is actually received and utilized for needy organizations on the front line that also support our UU values. Donations will support two groups: Helsinki Committee and Femfund.

Thank you for your immediate and kind support.

Holly Bussey, Faith Funding and Expression Facilitator and
Denominational Affairs Liaison.