UUCWC Board of Trustees 2019-2020 Goals

7 Practices of Board Leadership

The UUCWC Board of Trustees will:

1. Discerning the Congregation’s Mission and Vision: Center the mission/vision in strategic decision-making.

  • Claim our role as Religious Leaders.

2. Holding the Fiduciary (Resource) Responsibility: Be aware of the way we develop and utilize ALL resources (people, time, money, space) as we support and collaboratively move forward the:

  • Capital project and campaign
  • Treasurer transition team
  • Staffing needs (with Personnel)
  • Implementation of leadership training

3. Capturing Institutional Wisdom by Generating Policy: Complete a thorough survey and update of all policies and procedures with a focus on those that need creating due to the new by-laws. This will be achieved with the leadership of a Policy & Procedure Task Force and with input from every committee and ministry.

4. Assessing the Health of the Congregation: Continue to invite feedback from the congregation and staff to examine programming, staffing and building needs for maintaining a healthy congregation.

Methods: open board meetings, focused board chats, council meetings, scheduled committee conversations at board meetings and development of a congregational survey

5. Planning for the Congregation’s Future: Investigate what else needs to be done to achieve our mission and realize our vision, including but not restricted to:

  • Schedule and support staff and leadership sabbaticals
  • Select a model for short- and long-range planning
  • Invite ideas for alternate worship scenarios
  • Implement leadership training
  • Hold focused board chats and listening circles
  • Explore ideas about building Beloved Community outside of our walls

6. Building and Maintaining Relationships: Increase transparency and accessibility to information around board actions and decisions and encourage committees and ministries to share current and best practices with other groups:

  • Re-energize our board liaisons to committees
  • Share staff and written liaison reports with online meeting minutes
  • Encourage coordination and scheduling of financial requests to congregation
  • Hold focused board chats and listening circles

7. Transforming the Congregational Culture: Center the 8th principle to implement fully inclusive practices for all current and potential congregants by focusing on HOW we do things together:

  • Shared spiritual leadership
  • Informed, collaborative decision-making,
  • Intersectionality (e.g. Councils of common ends)