by Wendy Stasolla, UUCWC Board of Trustees
Looking back, we’ve had a few eventful months here at our beloved UUCWC. A successful stewardship drive was followed by a goal-busting auction fundraiser, both of which will help keep us on solid ground as we strive to change the world.
We welcomed a new Director of Family Ministry, Julie Rigano, and will gain a Ministerial Resident, Lisa Schilansky, starting in August. My takeaway here is that others are excited to share our solid ground and create community with us.
We discussed the proposed changes to Article II of the UUA bylaws and had opportunities to ponder and weigh-in on just what is at the heart of our living tradition. Now, it’s up to our faithful delegates to bring our voice to General Assembly in June. I see this as UUCWC taking an active role in purposefully celebrating life as we reconsider the wording of the UU Principles.
And now looking forward, UUCWC’s annual meeting is almost here. June 4th to be exact. Whether you’re a member, friend, or interested participant, please join us as we celebrate our year of being in covenant with each other. You’ll get the inside scoop on how this church operates at a higher level than similar-sized congregations; you’ll hear survey results from the financial sustainability task force about our collective motivations for attending and supporting this community. You will hear up-to-the-minute news on our soon-to-begin building construction, and you’ll be among the first to know who has won our Distinguished Service and Flaming Chalice awards, as well as who will be doing what on which committees and ministries in the coming months. Join us!
Finally, if you take away nothing else from this article, know that UUCWC continues to be outstanding because of the collective wisdom, passion, energy, and love that each of you contributes.