Are you a new member? An established member with a question about what’s happening? A visitor?

Consider dropping by the “Ask Me” table. What is the Ask Me table? It’s a new way to meet one on one and ask questions you may not know who else to ask, or where to turn when it comes to UUCWC happenings, governance, committee work etc.
While we aren’t the Shell Answer Person (remember that ad?), representative(s) will try their best to help provide direction on whatever topic you have. And if unsure, we’ll take your name, research your questions, and get back to you. Think of it as a Reference Desk Librarian here to help!
We’ll be starting this up soon, on Sundays in the lobby. Keep an eye out for dates and details.
Look for our sign and if you have a question and not sure where to turn, the ASK ME table is here for you.
Holly Bussey