Social Justice Plate Funds: 2017-2018
Organizations and Activities Supported by Plate Funds for 2017-2018
UUCWC designates 50% of the Sunday plate funds for social justice causes.
Loaves and Fishes $1,189.62
Once a year preparation and serving of a hot meal to the hungry at St. Mary’s Cathedral, Trenton, in partnership with the Princeton UU Congregation.
Morrisville Food Center $500.00
Provides supplemental food assistance to hungry families in Lower Bucks County and the greater Trenton area.
Trenton Area Soup Kitchen $1,000.00
Feeds the hungry in the Greater Trenton/Princeton area and offers programs to encourage self-sufficiency and improve the quality of life of its patrons
Unitarian Universalist Service Committee $1,000.00
Advances human rights through grassroots collaboration in more than a dozen countries throughout the world
Unitarian Universalist United Nations Organization $500.00
Support for Every Child Is Our Child (ECOC) helping children in Africa who have been orphaned by HIV/AIDS
Interfaith Housing Visions $500.00
Provides housing for rent for low-income families and the homeless in Bucks County, PA
A Woman’s Place $500.00
The only domestic violence organization in Bucks County, PA, and providing a full range of programs and services.
Womanspace $500.00
Provides a wide array of services to individuals impacted by domestic and sexual violence in Mercer County, NJ.
Equal Justice Initiative $1,000.00
Committed to ending mass incarceration and excessive punishment in the United States, to challenging racial and economic injustice, and to protecting basic human rights for the most vulnerable people in America.
HomeFront’s mission is to end homelessness in Central NJ by harnessing the caring, resources and expertise of the community. UUCWC supported HomeFront as follows:
- Monday Night Tutoring/Wacky Wednesdays: Monday evening tutoring & Wednesday summer activities. $518.28
- Supplies and dinner for Holiday Craft Party for HomeFront and UUCWC children $223.65
- Summer camp program for children $1,200.00
New Hope Gay Pride Parade $85.00
Registration fee and donation for UUCWC’s delegation.
Trenton Children’s Chorus $500.00
Provides musical, academic, social, and personal opportunities for young people in the Greater Trenton Area. The program serves 150 singers in grades K-12.
Rescue Mission of Trenton $500.00
Serves truly needy men and women who have no place to turn for shelter, food, and clothing.
UUA Disaster Relief Fund $500.00
Hurricane Harvey Recovery Fund (9-10-17 plate)
Oxfam America $500.00
Hurricanes Irma, Jose & Maria Emergency Relief
Peace Action Education Fund, Princeton $300.00
Co-sponsorship of the Coalition for Peace Action Annual Interfaith Service and Conference
UUCWC’s Journey Toward Wholeness Library $168.41
This justice library provides videos and books for the library, for use by members and friends of UUCWC.
Support for the UUCWC Racial Justice Initiative $457.94
Non-violent communication workshop, permission to use the play “Bus Stop,” film series, supplies/refreshments for RJI events.
LifeTies, Trenton $300.00
A supportive network of professional staff and trained volunteers dedicated to creating programs for youth, including LGBT youth, to overcome the effects of abuse, neglect or homelessness
Isles, Trenton $300.00
A community development and environmental organization based in Trenton, New Jersey.
Disabilities Rights New Jersey $300.00
Advocates for the human, civil and legal rights of persons with disabilities. They provide a wide range services and assistance to both individuals and organizations that serve the disabled.
Fisherman’s Mark, Lambertville $500.00
Provides services that meet basic needs, such as food and affordable childcare, and partners with individuals and families to promote self-sufficiency and wellness.
Hope Rises Up $175.00
Support of day of service, learning and unity in Trenton
Temple University $700.00
Scholarship support for Young Women’s Composer’s Camp developed by Erin Busch
Miscellaneous $227.47
Expense support for social justice efforts in UUCWC such as stamps for postcards supporting various issues, food for events, etc.