Reflecting, Envisioning and Planning for the New Church Year

by Michael Waas, Trustee, UUCWC Board of Trustees

According to the calendar, January and February are the depths of winter. This is typically the season for snow shovels and snow boots though, according to the weather, raincoats and umbrellas are more appropriate this year.

This is also the season to begin planning the next church year, which runs from July 2023 to June 2024, and for the UUCWC Board of Trustees to hold a half-day winter retreat. We used the retreat as an opportunity to step away from the day-to-day agenda items and step into a space of reflection, envisioning, and re-connection. It was also an opportunity to share some conversation over delicious homemade vegan chili (thank you, Maria!).

This year’s retreat was engaging and invigorating, as there is much to be excited about at UUCWC. From moving into the final phase (and hopefully, soon, construction!) for the Capital Campaign, to the ongoing engagement of our virtual and in-person members, and UUCWC’s ongoing community and racial justice work – there are so many signs that ours is a vital and healthy community.

We are also called to consider how our congregation has changed, and is changing, as we move into a dynamic new, post-Covid “normal.” Given the vitality of our congregation, this is an invigorating conversation. We discussed how there is a process of learning about and adjusting to changes both big and small, and how we are called to consider the ways each of us can support the ongoing health and evolution of our community.

There are many outlets and opportunities for each person at UUCWC to be engaged, and we hope to find ways to facilitate this participation across the congregation (including old and new members, various skill sets and interests, etc.). As we are soon moving into next year’s pledge campaign, this also includes considering how we engage with UUCWC financially. Rev. Kim has assembled, and is working with, an energetic Stewardship committee. The process will be guided by the input gathered through the Financial Sustainability survey conducted last fall.

Embracing change can feel daunting, but is often equally as exciting. Here’s to embracing all that is to come for UUCWC in 2023 and beyond.