Unitarian Universalism’s Fifth Principle, “The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large,” goes hand in hand with the congregational polity of all UU congregations.
From the UUA Tapestry of Faith Lifespan Curriculum:
“Polity” is a general term for the form of church organization adopted by a religious tradition. Unitarian Universalists operate under a particular form of polity called “congregational polity,” defined as “the rights and responsibilities of each properly organized congregation to make its own decisions about its own affairs without recourse to any higher human authority.” Congregational polity is encoded in the bylaws of the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations…Put more simply, polity can be understood as the way we are, as Unitarian Universalists, and why we are that way. Or, in the words of Paul Harrison, “polity is faith put into practice.”
All UUCWC members will have the opportunity to put their faith into practice on Sunday, June 3, at our annual meeting, following the service and a brief bagel brunch (remember, there is only one service at 10am).
Our annual meeting is a time our congregation gathers to celebrate our community. We’ll hear from congregational leaders as they review the accomplishments of the past year, and then look ahead and plan for the coming year to enable us to continue fulfilling our mission. UUCWC members play a vital role in this planning, which includes adopting an operating budget, electing church leadership and voting on adopting the 8th Principle and making a Public Expression By-Laws change. All are welcome and encouraged to attend the annual meeting to consider and deliberate these issues; members have the privilege of voting.
Prior to the meeting you’ll receive the meeting agenda and materials to enable you to make informed decisions on the agenda items requiring a vote. As described in this edition of CrossCurrents, you also have had or will have the opportunity to attend Listening Circles regarding the 8th Principle and By-Laws votes and a Budget Meeting for a fuller discussion of those topics. Any questions you have can be answered prior to the Annual Meeting by contacting any Board member or the committee that owns the topics. Participatory democracy such as ours doesn’t start at our Annual Meeting – it is a year-round effort.
We look forward to seeing you at the annual meeting on June 3.
Marianne Alt
President, Board of Trustees