Letter from Rev. Kim

Every day Malcolm’s death and absence descend on us in new ways. This cruel time has only been softened by the awe-inducing love of our villages.  We are grateful for each of you and for the countless ways you have and continue to hold us up.  We despise this new life but know there is still life and love within it.

As we begin to find and accept the additional support we need in this time, I’ve asked the Board to continue my Bereavement Leave through June, and hope to return in some capacity at the start of July.  I want to be good for you, and good to me, when I return.

I also know that this grief is not the only one we share. The world is on fire, lit by centuries of systematized cruelty on the bodies and souls of Black lives.  It is a scary time but each of us has a role to play within it to make it a purposeful time. 

Matthew 2:18 has always been a comfort to me and continues to today: “A voice was heard in Ramah, wailing and loud lamentation, Rachel weeping for her children; she refused to be consoled, because they are no more.”

May we each find ways to confront, to wail about, to refuse the suggestion that we can return to what was.

With love,

Rev. Kim