HomeFront has had a long-standing history of support from UUCWC. Due to the pandemic situation the HomeFront client base has dramatically increased. Providing food items for these families has become a significant challenge. The UUCWC Food Ministry is asking for donations of shelf stable food items for those families to help ease that situation.
Our UUCWC Food Ministry asks for your help. We have established a SignUpGenius to help meet some of the HomeFront needs. Your generous donations will help UUCWC fulfill our commitment to social action and have a positive impact on our community.
The Food Ministry’s members will collect your treats.
Let us see your Halloween costumes at delivery and check out ours. (Costume optional but encouraged.)
Drop off dates and times
October 30 (Saturday) – 1:00 to 3:00 PM
October 31 (Sunday) – 12:00 to 2:00 PM
November 3 (Wednesday) – 6:00 to 8:00 PM
Please select your donation items and drop-off date at SignUpGenius