Don’t miss the first sanctuary concert of the year! Join us on Sunday, October 21st at 2:30pm to hear Sasha Kislitsyn, the accomplished violinist from the Blue Line Quartet, perform a variety of well-loved solo works by Bach, Sibelius, Mozart, Sarasate, Corigliano, and more. Sasha is a winner of several international competitions, and has been performing as a concert soloist with orchestras since he was 6 years old. He will be accompanied by his sister Anna, and will be joined by former accompanist Erin Busch for a rare performance of Amy Beach’s Piano Trio, Op. 150. The suggestion donation is $15, and a portion of the proceeds will be donated to UUCWC. Hear this incredible artist perform before he makes it big! For more information on Sasha, you can visit his website at
Suggested $15 donation, a portion of which will benefit UUCWC.