HELP RELIEVE FOOD INSECURITY by spending a half day (safely) outside on the farm!! Join fellow UUCWC-ers for a UUCWC Day at Snipes Farm and Education Center, May 15, 9am-12pm; rain date May 16, 1-4pm. Location: 890 W. Bridge Street, Morrisville, PA 19067. Over 70% of the food grown at Snipes goes to feed local people in need, particularly in Trenton and Morrisville. Lori Hoppmann and Susan Vigilante are leading this volunteer opportunity for Snipes, and UUCWC members and friends of all ages are welcome to assist Snipes Farm and Education Center in their cause with readying the new children’s garden, planting or weeding, painting, and other tasks as needed; tour of the farm included! Meet at the Big Red Barn parking lot. Wear sturdy shoes and dress for the weather. Bring gloves and your favorite garden tools. Masking and physical distancing rules will be observed. Contact Susan Vigilante or the office with how many are coming, or with questions. Enjoy a day outside while working together to have an impact on your local community!