Please join us on Sundays
as we strive to Create Community, Celebrate Life, Change the World.
Our multi-platform Sunday services may be attended in person
or online.
If joining us in person, we advocate, but do not require, vaccination
against Covid. Masking is optional.
Welcome to CrossCurrents! Your comments are welcome at
In this issue:
Where to Start?, by Lisa Schilansky, Intern Minister
Happy Blossoming!, by Wendy Stasolla, President, UUCWC Board of Trustees
Important Read: General Assembly and UUCWC Delegates,
by Holly Bussey, Liaison, Denominational Affairs
Celebrating Our Connections! Auction 2024, Many Ways for Fun, Food and Fellowship!
by Barbara Drew, Co-chair, Auction Committee
The Hidden Savings Above Us!, by Mark Pokryska and Barbara Drew,
for the Earth and Climate Ministry
More News
Fundraising Would Like to Hear From You!
Where to Start?
Lisa Schilansky, Intern Minister
I was having a conversation the other day about how Generation Z and those younger are growing up in a completely different world than Generation X, Baby Boomers, and the Silent Generation. The early 2000s brought the “Breaking News” panic crawl to every news story, and ten years later those alerts and a constant state of panic were suddenly in our pockets in the form of smart phones. While we all struggled to adjust – likely without even realizing it – it is those coming of age now who have never known a different world, who have never had a respite from the constant screams of panic.
And yes, you might notice I left out Millennials. My generation is experiencing this time in our own unique way. We are overwhelmed and flooded by the catastrophe facing our world since our middle school/high school years, and we also had the major benefit of a childhood spared from this unrelenting madness.
Regardless of age, or generation, it is safe to assume that many of us are feeling overwhelmed by the state of the world, and are wondering what to do next, how to get started? Or perhaps we want to disengage altogether.
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Happy Blossoming!
Wendy Stasolla, President, UUCWC Board of Trustees
As gardens around us begin to bloom, our beloved community is also poised for a blossoming as our long-awaited construction project is finally coming to fruition. After more than a few winters of waiting, we are closer than ever to our long-anticipated new beginnings.
What began with small meetings eight years ago to envision what kind of building improvements would be meaningful for our community and mission is being realized in ways that include the original dreams and more current visions of who we are and where we might go.
For this, we give thanks to our tireless capital campaign team, and to Rev. Kim who has thoughtfully and confidently led us through the difficulties and unknowns during her soon-to-be ten years with us. Who can believe that it’s been that long since we called Kim to our pulpit in May of 2014!
And now we will again be dreaming together to envision ways of using our new space, and discovering who we are as a congregation in this post-pandemic time of reflection. We have welcomed many new faces over the course of this project and it’s time to blend their voices with those who have been along from the very beginning.
All of you, members, friends, and participants, whether fully remote or in-person, are the foundation and the building blocks of our beloved church. In place of the postponed small group meetings, members of the Board of Trustees invite you to spend some time with one of us after a service to share your thoughts and hear our excitement about what lies ahead. You are also welcome to email us at
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Important Read: General Assembly and UUCWC Delegates
Holly Bussey, Liaison, Denominational Affairs
With less than two months to go before the UUA General Assembly (GA), there is still time to register and attend via Zoom.
GA is the annual gathering to conduct the business of our Association, together with workshops, lectures, and worship services. The business portion is comprised of General Sessions, where representatives of congregations vote on Association-wide proposals. The number of delegates is based on the size of the congregation. Our delegates pay their registration fees but are expected to vote on matters according to their understanding of our church-wide wishes. Other attendees go to GA for the educational sessions and workshops and bring back what they learn to benefit all of us.
Each year, beginning in October, there is an open call for members willing to serve as one of our six delegates. Anyone is eligible who has been a member for at least 2 years, is willing to learn, to collaborate with the congregation on the issues, to attend all GA General Sessions, to participate in discussion, and vote on our behalf. We meet numerous times to discuss questions in the months leading up to GA.
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Celebrating Our Connections! Auction 2024
Many Ways for Fun, Food and Fellowship!
Barbara Drew, Co-chair, Auction Committee
The much-anticipated UUCWC Spring Auction is just days away! Now’s the time to plan your participation in this fundraising and fun-raising, event. Online bidding opens here on Saturday, May 4, at 9:00 am., and continues through Saturday, May 11, ending promptly at 9:00 pm.
You’re invited to the In-person Kick-off Party at UUCWC
Friday, May 3, 6:00 pm
Come to the party for entertainment and refreshments, view the showcase of physical items, enter to win a door prize and raffle basket, get your auction book, take advantage of registration help, and shop the Boutique. Free childcare will be available – please preregister!
The Door Prize (must be at the party to win) – is a collection of UU items such as a tote bag, socks, mug, and a gift certificate to the InSpirit book shop (use it to buy a copy of “Blessing It All – Rituals for Transition and Transformation,” the book with Rev. Kim’s prose!) The three auction-themed raffle baskets represent fun, food and fellowship: Dinnertime; Fun for Everyone; Let’s Get Together! (You do not have to be at the party to win a raffle basket.)
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The Hidden Savings Above Us!
Mark Pokryska and Barbara Drew, for the Earth and Climate Ministry
We have a solar system! No, we do not mean the planets, moon, and stars. Our building’s solar system is much closer – just a few feet above us as we move about the Sanctuary, the Crossings Room, and our classrooms.
Our forty-four Sharp 216-watt solar panels have called our roof home since the fall of 2008. Never noticed them? That’s the idea. The panels were installed to ‘keep a low profile’ yet still be effective. Unless you climb a nearby tree or walk to the very back woods, you can’t see them. The panels unobtrusively produce energy, as they have every day for the last decade and a half.
Following a 2014 building energy audit, Leslie McGeorge, now Earth & Climate Ministry (ECM) Co-chair, asked some “burning” questions. Are our solar panels functioning efficiently or in need of repairs? Will they need to be replaced or expanded soon? How much energy do they produce?
In April 2022, ECM asked church member Mark Pokryska, a solar industry professional, for help evaluating the system. Leslie bravely joined Mark, George Faulkner, and ECM Co-chair Al Johnson for a look at the panels; Barbara Drew observed from the ground.
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Fundraising Would Like to Hear From You!
On behalf of Fundraising, Nick Mellis continues to host shows in our lovely sanctuary! There are two shows remaining, on May 4 and May 25.
Interested in hosting a fundraiser at UUCWC or have a favorite band you would like to see in the concert lineup? Send an email to Nick at, or fill out this form.

The Article II Values Statement will be considered at this year’s GA.

This year’s GA delegates are excited to work on our behalf. Let them know what you are thinking about the many important issues to be considered.

This past week, the Food Ministry, with help from the ROMEOs, cleared out the kitchen to prepare for the next phase of construction.

Unitarian Universalist Church at Washington Crossing
268 Washington Crossing Pennington Road, Titusville NJ 08560
609-737-0515 | |