Our Covenant of Right Relations

From the Right Relations Committee

One aspect of a healthy congregation is having respectful ways in which we interact with one another. This responsibility is up to each of us by abiding by our Covenant of Right Relations. Our Covenant guides how we wish to behave and interact with one another. As examples, in this covenant we acknowledge that we are accountable for our words, deeds, and behaviors; we will acknowledge all with kindness, care, dignity, and respect; and, resolve conflicts through intentional compromise and collaboration, and when necessary, request facilitation and/or mediation. For a full copy, please refer to the UUCWC website at http://www.uucwc.org/about-us/what-we-believe/.

We also have the Right Relations Committee (RRC), which is focused on promoting healthy relationships within the congregation and upholding our Covenant of Right Relations. We help mediate conflict and restore relationships when needed. The work that RRC does is held in strict confidence, and since it is “behind the scenes” you will not hear about it even when RRC is hard at work. Success is measured by successful restoration of relationships and the maintenance of a healthy congregation.

The current co-chairs of RRC are Bob Alt and Lori Rahn, with members Karen DiGeorgio, Chris Lynch, Chris Marietti, and Ben Thornton. If you need help with a conflict within the congregation, please don’t hesitate to contact anyone on the RRC. You can do this by contacting an RRC member directly or email RRC@uucwc.org.