Countdown to General Assembly

TIME TO REGISTER FOR GENERAL ASSEMBLY (GA) 2021 (JUNE 24-27) in Milwaukee! (Virtually)

It’s spring and soon UUs from all over will be gathering to meet (virtually) at General Assembly. UUCWC has a long-standing record of having many attend this event of learning, singing, worshipping and doing the work of the UUA. 

This year is no different.  At least THREE of our own UUCWC choir members will be singing in the GA Choir. We also need six (6) delegates to vote on issues coming up during General Assembly and to represent UUCWC.

Key Lecture Speakers and special worship programs include:
BANNER PARADE—Yes, UUCWC will be there!
Sophia Fahs Lecture – BIPOC YA Leaders
Synergy Bridging Worship
SOULFUL SINGING (singing meditation for all)
WARE LECTURE: Speaker to be announced

There will be many wonderful sessions including:

BIPOC Communities for Environmental and Climate Justice
Facing Down Classism to Liberate Our Faith Community
Community Action Circle (UU College of Social Action)
Pedagogy Matters: New Directions in Teaching Racial Self-knowledge
Community in a Post-Isolation Age
REWIRE: Rewiring Your Racial Consciousness
Resourcing UU Theologies of Death and Dying

Please check out the agenda for this year’s meeting at:

READY to REGISTER? Simple to do at:

We are hoping to line up another great group to attend this year.  In 2020, UUCWC had 19 attendees. Come join us. Any questions, please contact Holly Bussey at

Holly Bussey, Denominational Affairs Liaison