Come Hear Dr. Ibram X. Kendi at UUCWC

General Assembly (GA) will feature Dr. Ibram X. Kendi as the 2022 Ware Lecture presenter. To see this live, one needs to be registered for GA. However, we’re hoping to host a Ware Lecture Viewing Party in the Sanctuary on Saturday, June 25 at 7 pm EST. This is a wonderful opportunity and we hope many will mark their calendars and attend. One of our GA virtual attendees will assist in providing a link. WATCH for MORE INFORMATION.

Meanwhile, GA takes place virtually, June 22-26. UUCWC has seven people attending including three new members! All will be attending wonderful workshops and some (*) will be delegates and voting on issues that impact our congregation and the UU faith as a whole. GA attendees are: Peter Boughton, Holly Bussey*, Heather Edwards*, Jamie Evanini*, Al Midgal, Jane Root and Jim Sanders.*

Holly Bussey, Liaison
UUCWC Denominational Affairs