Thanksgiving Drive 2018

No child should go hungry on Thanksgiving Day or any day, so HomeFront is collecting food items for their annual Thanksgiving Drive. Please help us feed our families by putting together Thanksgiving food baskets. We’ll deliver them to HomeFront in time for them to be … read more.

Food Ministry Continues in the Summer

Food Ministry August 2018
Monetary donations to purchase other needed supplies are always welcome.  Please submit donations to the church office and write “Food Ministry” on the memo line.


Three helpers needed Monday 7/16/2018

We’ve been asked by HomeFront to provide lunches for the kids at Camp Mercer. We’ve answered that call and will be making lunches at 9:30 AM in the Crossings Room on July 16th,
We’ll be making lunches for about 50 kids. The tasks will include making and … read more.

June Food Needs

The meal for HomeFront and Luther Arms in June is:
Pasta & Meat Sauce, Garden Salad, Bread/Rolls, Butter & Dessert.
Donations needed for the hot meals are:
Ziti or Penne pasta, & 85% Ground Beef.
Donations needed for the supper sandwich bags are:
100% juice boxes, fruit cups, & … read more.

Chilly in April?

Chili not Chilly!
Can you help the Food Ministry with the ingredients for the April meal of Beef Chili



Loaves and Fishes 2018 – March 30 & 31

For more than 30 years, UUCWC and the Princeton UU Congregation have joined together to feed 600 working poor and homeless people once per year.
There are two phases to this effort:
On Friday night March 30, we’ll make 600 bagged lunches (peanut butter and jelly sandwiches) … read more.