We Are the Church that Matters – A Word From Finance

by Jim Sanders, Outgoing Chair, Finance Committee

After a wonderful review of our congregation’s year by Reverend Kim at the Annual Meeting on June 2, we presented, and the congregation overwhelmingly approved, our Church’s budget for the new year that begins July 1, 2024.

The continuing good … read more.

Mid-year Update on Our Church Finances

by Jim Sanders, Finance Chair, and Denny Rodgers, Treasurer

U.S. presidents declare in their State of the Union address each year that “the state of our Union is sound”; we too can say unequivocally that the state of our church is financially sound!

We are in the … read more.

Finance Team Starts Anew

by Jim Sanders, Interim Chair, Finance Committee

The finance team has reconvened with two returning members of last year’s team, Barbara Drew (Auction Team) and John Unger (At-large), and a fresh and energized group including: Scott Blaydon and Jane Root (Stewardship), Mike Hanson and Bonnie Gilbert … read more.

Our Financial Year In Review

By Steve Saddlemire, Past Chair, Finance Committee

The past twelve months have been active and productive for the Finance Committee. We established a number of important initiatives and I am pleased to provide an update on their status. Our important tasks included:

developing job descriptions for all … read more.

Finance Committee Completes Major Initiatives

by Steve Saddlemire, Chair, Finance Committee

One of the Finance Committee’s primary initiatives from last fiscal year (2021/22) was to formalize several of the processes we follow when conducting business for the church. This included developing policies and procedures for:

• the Endowment Committee
• addressing budget overruns
… read more.

Treasurer’s Report – September 2022

We closed the 2021-2022 Fiscal Year with a $10k surplus (income exceeding expenses).

Recorded Pledge Income lagged the amount recorded as pledges by over $40k – a concerning result that we are investigating.

Expenses for the year were below budget, largely attributable to the reduced COVID – … read more.

Finance Grows and Becomes More Dynamic

by Steve Saddlemire, Chair, Finance Committee

This church year was another one of change for UUCWC with the need for many ministries and committees to remain flexible and able to react quickly. The Finance Committee was no exception. As we approach the end of fiscal year … read more.

UUCWC Hires New Controller

UUCWC is pleased to announce that the new Part-Time Controller position, a new staff position at the recommendation of the Audit Team and with Board approval, has been filled by former UUCWC member Lynne Quinto. Lynne presented as the best candidate after numerous interviews due to her extensive background … read more.

Finance Committee Initiatives for The Fiscal Year

by Steve Saddlemire, Finance Committee

Over the summer months, the Finance Committee remained busy examining important issues that impact the financial health of our Church. The Team (Stewardship, Treasurer, Bookkeeper, Endowment, Fundraising, Auction, Capital Campaign and Building) examined both new ideas and ongoing projects and developed … read more.