Capital Campaign Update

Status: Architectural drawings are being reviewed by engineers (structural, mechanical, electrical, plumbing) at this time. Key updates to the plans include kitchen upgrades, an enclosed lift-type elevator, and an increase in the height of the second floor roof to accommodate HVAC upgrades.

We received confirmation that the Mercer County Soil Conservation District has extended the Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Plan to April 2025.

The Steering Committee is working with Mary Lou Dahms and Susan Irgang to update the website page this month. Latest plans and schematics will be posted there.

Timeline: We anticipate being able to send the final plans to the contractors for bids by end of December and hope to have a contractor selected by mid-January. Permitting should be completed by end of March and ground-breaking likely in April 2022. The sanctuary will be accessible throughout construction…if COVID ever allows us back in there!!

Financials: Funds raised so far include $1,091,515 in Capital Campaign pledges. Expenses have totaled $278,777 on parking, permits, fees, and architectural/engineering services. Pledge collections are tracking according to commitments – THANK YOU!! PLEASE, if you have not yet had a chance to contribute, consider making a capital campaign contribution. Once a contractor is selected, we will schedule Q&A sessions for those who may want more information before committing to this critical effort for UUCWC.

Jayme Trott and Susan Vigilante, Co-Chairs, Capital Campaign