CFA Reaching Outward With 50% of the Plate

by Holly Bussey, Faith Expression and Funding Team Facilitator

It’s hard to believe that we’re past the half year mark of the church year. In person attendance is growing and our generosity continues! The Faith Expression and Funding Team Ministry (FEFT) of the Council for Faith in Action (CFA) has been busy.

As many know, 50% of each Sunday’s plate goes out to help support organizations which have similar missions as UUCWC and values that align with our eight Principles.
This year is no exception! Since September, UUCWC has donated over $8,300 to organizations in need. They include (in no particular order):

The Chubby Project
El Centro
Peace Action Education Fund
Coalition for Peace Action
UUA Disaster Relief
Bucks County Opportunity Council
Trenton Area Soup Kitchen
Fisherman’s Mark
Ivin’s House
I Am Trenton
Urban Promise
White Helmets (Syrian Relief)
Global Fund for Human Rights (Turkish Relief)

These groups are so grateful and CFA appreciates your continued kindness.
Determining what monies go where is an exciting and satisfying endeavor. If you’d like to know more, have a suggestion for an organization to request support, or would like to sit in on a meeting, please contact us. Be part of helping to change the world! Email us at

Holly Bussey, Facilitator for FEFT
Members: Bud Johnson, Dan Tuft, Jim Sanders