By Victoria Locane, Racial Justice Ministry
At a recent Racial Justice Ministry (RJM) meeting, the team came together to answer the question: How do we show others the mission of UUCWC? Inspired by other advocacy groups, we were inspired to show the UUCWC mission in the world via a T-shirt. We thought that, as a group, seeing a sea of UUCWC members and friends wearing the same shirt in crowds performing social justice actions would highlight our church’s heart right on our sleeves.
RJM, with the help of funding from the Council for Faith in Action (CFA) through the Faith Expression and Funding Team (FEFT), ordered Carolina Blue advocacy T-shirts in medium, large, and x-large, featuring the UUCWC mission. You may have seen this design before, and now is your opportunity to shine in Carolina Blue. Now you can attend Faith in Action activities, New Jersey reparations council meetings, pride parades, UU the vote canvassing, postcard writing campaigns, or any of the “good trouble” we get into while sporting your UUCWC shirts that show the community who you represent!
Racial Justice Ministry is asking for $15 per shirt, as you can, to cover the costs. Please contact vlocane@gmail.com with any questions about the T-shirt or concerns about payment.
You can also order via this form. Please fill out one form per T-shirt.
We hope to expand this order to others in our community who may not receive CFA emails. Feel free to share this email with others you believe would be interested in a T-shirt. We will be opening the order church-wide in the future.
RJM looks forward to seeing you all in your Carolina Blue at the next event. And remember, RJM would love to see you at our next meeting on Tuesday, November 12. (It is normally the first Tuesday of every month but adjusted for this very important Election Day.)