Julie Rigano will join UUCWC in May as Director of Family Ministry. Julie (she&they) is a lifelong UU with years of church experience at multiple congregations, including the Unitarian Universalist Society of Schenectady, First Unitarian Church of Philadelphia, and as the church administrator for the UU Church in Cherry Hill. They also serve as the Communications Chair for the national Faith Development Week conference at Star Island, NH. Julie lives in Philadelphia with her wonderful roommates and beloved cat. They are excited to join the dedicated staff and congregation at Washington Crossing. Julie will join the UUCWC team on May 15th, supported by the Family Ministry Team which includes Susan Colket, Barbara Jensen, Victoria Locane, Andy Snyder.
This bio also serves as a great example of how to use both of Julie’s pronouns to represent her fully.
Lisa Schilansky will join UUCWC in August as our Ministerial Resident for 2023-2025. Lisa is a proud member of First Unitarian Church of Philadelphia. Lisa will be graduating from United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities this April and is a candidate for ministry with the Unitarian Universalist Association. Lisa has been a social worker for the past ten years and currently works as a therapist serving primarily LGBTQ young adults. Lisa was raised secularly Jewish and now considers herself dual faith. She lives in Philly with her spouse Molly and their two cats.
We will officially welcome Lisa to the UUCWC team in late August where she will begin a two year, half-time, residency (August ’23-June ’24; August ’24-June ’25).