From UU FaithAction NJ:
UU FaithAction NJ Recaps – Actions, Alerts, and Information
August 16, 2019 – more details here for Immigration Justice:
- The federal government continues its outrages against immigrants. One news story after another documents actions against immigrant families, refusal to offer visas, increased use of detention and separation of families, and longer terms of uncertain waiting and suffering. Further, we don’t know what’s coming as the election season gets closer and the Administration follows its strategy of making Americans scared and fearful of immigrants.
What can we do to show our profound opposition to these inhumane policies? Fortunately, there are opportunities to help immigrants in a legal and humane way. UU FaithAction NJ is ready to undertake a new program of action with several specific activities.
The Immigration Justice Task Force is setting up an Migrant/Detainee Action Committee to help recruit volunteers among UUs in New Jersey congregations and other persons of similar humane and inclusive persuasions. This committee will then to help the larger Task Force coordinate the work of these volunteers.
There are three main opportunities for direct support
August 13, 2019 – Voter Information:
- UU FaithAction NJ wants to remind our fellow UUs and like-minded citizens that this is a critical election year. Elections for all 80 seats in the New Jersey General Assembly are taking place in 2019. The primary was on June 4, 2019, and the general election is on November 5. And, of course, the National Election is Tuesday, November 3rd, 2020 (New Jersey presidential primary is June 2, 2020). UUFaithAction does not endorse any particular candidate. However, as Unitarian Universalists, it is both an important civic duty and an expression of our UU values to participate in the electoral process.
August 5, 2019 – more details here for Climate Justice, #Close the Camps:
- Global Climate Strike: September 20 – 27
It’s not climate change, it’s a climate emergency. The UUA is partnering with, Extinction Rebellion (XR), Sunrise Movement and others who have answered Greta Thuberg’s call with youth from around the planet to join the Global Climate Strike with a huge kick off on Sept. 20th and various actions throughout the week. Also information about the UU Create Climate Justice Conference on the Green New Deal – Sept. 15-17 in Washington, DC. - #Close the Camps
Child Prison Camps Act and Families Not Facilities Act.
Participate in an in-district visit to your representative to Defund Hate – no more money for ICE and Border Patrol. Research shows that these visits are the most effective ways of changing votes. The UUSC has put together resources to use to arrange visits from August 19-30.
Volunteer for the vigils at Homestead