Mid-Year Financial Update

by Mary Baltycki, Chair-Finance Committee


It is with a great deal of pleasure that the Finance Committee presents a financial summary for the first six months of our fiscal year. We have closed out the calendar year in a very strong financial position thanks to the extraordinary success of the Holiday House End of Year Campaign bringing in over $25,000, the proceeds from the virtual Craft Fair and Bake Sale approaching $1,000 and the ongoing support of our community members through their pledge payments.

Additionally, as we follow Covid safety protocols reducing our in-person services and church functions, expenses related to our Programs and Building & Grounds maintenance are lower than anticipated, thus contributing to a net income number exceeding our expectations. It is noteworthy that we have completed the re-finance of our building loan, and while there were expenses incurred to do so, the savings over the next six months will offset the costs and the monthly payments going forward will be reduced substantially.

The Board, Staff and the Finance and Stewardship Committees remain very appreciative of the support and generosity extended by our Members and Friends. Many thanks to all!