
The most basic and powerful way to connect to another person is to listen. Just listen.  Perhaps the most important thing we ever give each other is our attention. – Rachel Naomi Remen

Some of our most important work in Right Relations Committee is to listen.  We are here to listen to you, not just to hear you.  While we listen to the “what happened” portion, we are also listening to what you have not said.  We listen to how what you are telling us has made you feel and how the issue has affected you; we listen for intent – why do you think the issue has occurred?

We are present for you with open minds, knowing fully that each of us comes from different experiences and journeys that have taught us in different ways. Our focus is on you in a safe space and time. Be assured that what you say is highly confidential within the Right Relations Committee.

If we do not speak right away, please be patient with us. We listen with our hearts, minds, and our other senses: that takes time and thought. We want to link all of what you say together so we fully understand. As Mark Twain said, “If we were supposed to talk more than we listen, we would have two tongues and one ear.”

We will reflect back what you say to be sure we have clearly understood your message. Please correct us if we got any part of it wrong. Help us understand the issue, how you feel about it and your point of view.  Help us make sure we have given you the silence you need to think as you speak.

Karen DiGeorgio, Member, Right Relations Committee

The Right Relations Committee (RRC) is focused on promoting healthy relationships within the congregation and upholding our Covenant of Right Relations. They help mediate conflict and restore relationships when needed. The current co-chairs of RRC are Bob Alt and Lori Rahn, with members Karen DiGeorgio, Chris Lynch, Chris Marietti, and Ben Thornton. If you need help with a conflict within the congregation, please don’t hesitate to contact anyone on the RRC. You can do this by contacting an RRC member directly or email