Introducing Soul Matters

by Ana DelCorazón

UUCWC is hosting Soul Matters sharing circle, a monthly small group ministry followed by 150 Unitarian Universalist congregations who follow the same monthly worship themes.

To enable connections with each other, with our deepest selves, and with the world. Members, friends and visitors of UUCWC come together to share and reflect, build relationships, widen our vision and renew our spirit.

These small, relational groups made up of six to ten people led by facilitators meets monthly to establish and nurture themselves in this community, to explore and engage monthly religious service themes in more depth, and to reconnect with their deepest selves, life’s gifts, and needs greater than their own.
Monthly themes

Each month, we consider the question “What does it mean to be a people of…”

Courage (October)
Abundance (November)
Hope (December)

The Soul Matters group will meet on the third Sundays of the month from 12:30 -2:30: October 15, November 19 and December 17.

Sign Up
Registration is available online or forms are available on the ARE bulletin Board outside the church office.

What happens at a “Soul Matters” meeting?

  • Chalice lighting and a short reading or piece of music.
  • Brief check-in. Members briefly share what is going on “beneath the surface” for them. Typically takes no more than 20 minutes.
  • Facilitated discussion inspired by the monthly participant packet (readings, questions for reflection and suggested spiritual exercises which participants receive a few weeks before the meeting). For 2017-2018 we will consider the question “What does it mean to be a people of ________?” (see monthly themes)
  • Check-out. An opportunity to briefly share reactions to the meeting.
    Closing words or music.
  • Group meets for no more than two hours at a time.