UU FaithAction NJ Annual Meeting (Virtual)

UU FaithAction NJ will hold a virtual annual meeting this year.

The meeting will feature two environmental justice keynote speakers:

Dr. Ana Baptista is Chair of the Environmental Policy and Sustainability Management graduate program and an Assistant Professor of Professional Practice at the Milano School of Policy, Management, and Environment, The New School. Dr. Baptista’s research and professional practice focuses on environmental and climate justice.

Dr. Nicky Sheats, Esq., is currently the director of the Center for the Urban Environment of the John S. Watson Institute for Public Policy at Thomas Edison State University and has defined the primary mission of the Center as providing support for the environmental justice (EJ) community on both a state and national level.

Later in the meeting, the Task Forces will be hosting Breakout Sessions, providing attendees with an opportunity to explore and engage in FaithAction activity close to their own social justice interest.

Please contact Lynne Quinto for login information and details for the virtual Annual Meeting. Hope to see you there!


UU FaithAction NJ Mission Statement

Grounded in our Unitarian Universalist faith, we are confronting systemic injustice and building a more compassionate society in New Jersey by:

Educating ourselves and others on social and political issues
Mobilizing individuals and congregations to act for justice
Advocating for equitable and sustainable public policy

Thanks to the ongoing participation and financial support of our 21 member congregations and individual donors, UU FaithAction provides both the advocacy and legislative leadership that both makes a real difference on issues of equity and justice, but also helps us build wider alliances between front-line communities, advocacy groups, legislators and key coalitions across the state.

Vision Statement

We envision a just New Jersey free from systemic oppression and greed, full of engaged people committed to each other, to our communities, and to the earth.