Article II: Continuing the Conversation

Excerpt from UUA article by Alexandra Varney McDonald
“Why is Article II being revised, and why is this work important?

The UUA bylaws mandate a regular revision process of Article II every fifteen years. Article II has the language that is at the heart of our faith for many of us as UUs. It has the Principles and the Sources, and our purpose as an organization. The language in Article II lives in the UUA bylaws and has been revised a number of times over the course of the Unitarian Universalist Association’s history. We are a living tradition, which means regularly reviewing and asking ourselves: Does the Article II core language reflect who we are now and who we want to be? ”

The Article II Study Commission took on this work with input from congregations. The conversation continues: Click here to learn more about the history of the Article II Study Commission and what to expect at GA 2024.