30 Days of Love from Side with Love

Side with Love is an interfaith public advocacy campaign promoting respect for the inherent worth and dignity of every person. Side with Love confronts issues of exclusion, oppression, and violence based on identity. With the goal of creating beloved community, the campaign pursues social change through advocacy, public witness, and speaking out in solidarity with those whose lives are publicly demeaned.” This information and details about Thirty Days of Love is from the Side with Love website.

Thirty Days of Love is our annual celebration that runs approximately from King, Jr. Day in January through Valentine’s Day in February. It is an opportunity to lift up the ways Unitarian Universalists and many of our partner organizations are building and organizing by taking bold, courageous action for intersectional racial justice.

In 2021, 30 Days of Love will focus on four themes from a recently published report called Widening the Circle of Concern, which was developed by the Commission on Institutional Change, a UUA Board commissioned group charged with researching, reporting, and making recommendations for transforming white supremacy and other oppressions in the institutional history and practices of the UUA and its 1,000-plus congregations and covenanted communities.


Each week, we will share a ‘playlist’ or ‘menu’ of activities for individuals to interact with, connected with our weekly theme. We will have playlists for general, kid, youth, and family/multigenerational audiences which will include activities in the categories of Read, Watch, Participate, Listen, and Worship.”

UUCWC will be sharing the worship service on Feb. 14th. There is also a calendar of live events available here.

For more information, go to https://sidewithlove.org/thirty-days-of-love