“Queer Faith” Features Ministerial Intern Hannah Gallo

Following the vote by the United Methodist Church to maintain their ban on LGBTQ clergy and same-sex marriage, Union Theological Seminary responded with their Queer Faith project:  “After the United Methodist Church voted to entrench its rejection of LGBTQ people, the pain in our community was palpable. We knew we had to respond. We could talk about how homophobic theology is damaging. We could condemn bigotry masquerading as God-talk. But that’s not the story we see every day at Union. We see a vibrant queer, community of faith—alive and flourishing. We see radical love that transcends every sinful boundary humans create. And we thought we’d tell that story instead, in their own voices.

Hannah Gallo, UUCWC’s Ministerial Intern, is part of this project.  Read her powerful statement, and those of other participants, here.

Unitarian Universalist Association: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Justice