Interconnection, Inner-Work and Covenanting

by Michelle Hunt, Right Relations Committee

As humans, we are connecting all the time. We are drawn into relationships as members of families, organizations, work groups, and congregations. As members of a faith community, we assume involvement with soul work or inner work too. Who am I? What do I believe to be true? What do I value? How do I practice what I say that I believe? Interconnections can be confusing and challenging. Inner work that looks deep into our souls is complex.

We grow personally and spiritually in our faith community. This is the perfect setting to be intentional about how we connect to others, how we deepen our faith, and how we define our promises to ourselves and each other. Covenants are the threads that weave clarity and mutual understanding into the fabric of our lives. Ultimately, we can model what we learn and practice in all areas of our lives.

A thoughtful process for creating covenants leads to the articulation of our promises. Our covenants express guidance for healthy, forgiving relationships. We are responsible for the words of our covenant and for covenanting, the ongoing practice.

This year the Right Relations Committee (RRC) is focused on a new ministry, creating covenants that strengthen our committees, ministerial teams, and other small groups. Last spring, RRC worked with the Choir, the Tech team, Faith Action Ministry, and the Worship Associates. We heard anecdotally that participants and members of RRC enjoyed the process and found it worthwhile. Some participants even confessed to not looking forward to the meeting before it happened.

When the creating process is done, the hope is for a covenant that 1) defines how we will be in relationship, 2) explains how the small group supports UUCWC’s Mission, 3) articulates our collective intention is to be supportive, forgiving and healing, and 4) serves as a living document as we learn and grow together.

We hope to hear from you this fall so that we can answer any questions or to schedule a time to meet. The more members of your group who participate, the more meaningful your covenant will be. Contact any member of the Right Relations Committee. We look forward to collaborating with you.

Loren McAlister, Eileen Spedding, Dave Thomas, Dan Tuft, and Michelle Hunt